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Sunday, January 19, 2014

All Black and Kill That

2013 All Black and Kill That was a college party brought together by ASUBA which is (African Student Union Black Alliance) organization within the school. The theme was wear all black and kill that. Since my school is in upstate New York

(SUNY Morrisville) I decided to bring some local clothing brands from my area (DC) and broadcast it. The clothing I had on is a brand called Lets Feed The Beast which is from my hometown. It's an inspiring piece of clothing and has a lot of unique and cool features. The hat is a Snapback which says La BĂȘte which is the beast in French and the shirt shares the same theme. It was admiring being able to expand the growth of the clothing line by promoting in other states so it was a pleasure to work with Let's Feed The Beast and look forward to some more great projects that will be coming soon. 

Special thinks to the lovely Audemer for taking such a nice photo with me and the homie Twanny Too Fly for capturing this photo.


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